From Darkness to Light:

40 Artists Respond to The Tree of Life Shooting

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Our mission

Welcome to From Darkness to Light: Mosaics Inspired by Tragedy, a poignant tribute and educational endeavor dedicated to honoring the memory of the eleven lives lost at the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting on October 27, 2018. Our mission is to confront and combat anti-Semitism through the power of art and remembrance.

At From Darkness to Light, we believe in the transformative potential of art to inspire empathy, understanding, and social change. Through a collection of thought-provoking artworks and personal narratives, we aim to illuminate the devastating impact of anti-Semitism while fostering a space for reflection and dialogue.

This exhibit serves as a solemn reminder of the consequences of hatred and discrimination, urging visitors to stand against anti-Semitism in all its forms. By engaging with the stories of those affected and exploring the roots of prejudice, we strive to contribute to a world where unity and acceptance prevail over divisiveness.

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From Abby Schwartz

Former Director, Cincinnati Skirball Museum

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Art teaches. Art transcends. Art elevates. Art inspires. A sixth-grader named Cooper D. left a hand-written note in colored crayon at the memorial that grew up around the Tree of Life Synagogue. The note quoted Amos 5:24:

Let love and justice flow like a mighty stream.
Let peace fill the earth as the waters fill the seas.

This poignant message found its way into two mosaics in the exhibition, and it expresses the hope that permeates every work in this show. It is my hope that From Darkness to Light will lead to conversation and action around the tough subjects of hate crimes, antisemitism, gun violence, and injustice, so that in Cooper D.’s lifetime, love, justice, and peace might prevail.

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